Dr. Parwiz Daud’s Youth Guidance Foundation Takes Action After Deadly Turkish Earthquake
On February 6, 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Turkey, affecting over 14 million people and resulting in over 50,000 deaths in both Turkey and Syria. With over $100 billion in damages in Turkey alone, the earthquake was not just the deadliest natural disaster in Turkey’s modern history — it was also one of the costliest in terms of damages the world has ever seen.
Despite the widespread destruction, there was also much good to be seen in the wake of the disaster, as thousands of volunteers from across the globe came to lend their support in rescue and recovery efforts.
Among those who responded to the call for aid was Dr. Parwiz Daud, founder of the Youth Guidance Foundation. As his experience details, there is still much that needs to be done to help the individuals who remain at risk after this historic earthquake.
Experience On the Ground
As part of his work with the Youth Guidance Foundation, Dr. Daud recently went to the southern portion of Turkey to participate in charitable work alongside the organizations Hasene and One Ummah.
“The scope of the destruction is something I think you can’t fully comprehend until you are actually there on the ground,” he says. “Just the sheer amount of loss that has left people struggling to fulfill even basic needs is hard to take in. The things we take for granted in our daily lives like food and shelter, or access to basic medications; all of that is gone. At the same time, it is gratifying to be able to help in meaningful ways — where you can directly see the impact that your work is having.”
These and other organizations have been heavily involved in delivering aid to the hardest-hit areas, where many people have been displaced from their homes. Tents, clean drinking water, blankets, hygiene kits and hot meals are just a few of the needs that Dr. Daud and the charitable organizations he worked with focused on delivering during his time there.
“Winter temperatures in Turkey can be quite cold, so for many people, meeting those immediate needs of ensuring that they had warm clothing and adequate shelter to protect them from the elements was truly a matter of life or death,” Dr. Daud says.
“The rapid response from the global community in helping provide these types of necessities literally saved lives. It’s not something we always associate with a small monetary donation or handing a blanket to someone in need, but it really can make that big of a difference.”
Ongoing Needs
While Dr. Daud and the organizations he volunteered with were able to have a large impact during his time in Turkey, the effects of the February earthquake are far from over. One month after the earthquake, many families continued to search for missing loved ones, and it was estimated that 1.5 million had lost their homes. Many were rationing the supplies they had received from aid workers, and those living in tent shelters often lacked access to toilets and running water.
In a country where an estimated 14.8 million suffered from undernourishment prior to the recent earthquake, the damages caused by the disaster have put even more people at risk of hunger. As a report from Jordan News explains, the earthquake caused major damage to the country’s agricultural sector, affecting roughly 15.5 percent of the country’s agricultural output and subsequently causing significant inflation of food prices.
“Managing these basic needs is going to require ongoing support from donors and charitable organizations,” Dr. Daud says. “The process of rebuilding — removing rubble, finding new homes for those who have been displaced and ensuring that people have the resources they need — will take a long time to complete. In our day and age of 24-hour news cycles, this event has already been forgotten by many around the world. Yet there still remain significant needs.”
To that end, Dr. Daud encourages all to consider ways they can help.
“Those who are in a better position must help those who are suffering from hunger and poverty — and in the case of this event, even lacking basic needs like a safe place to sleep. Whether you’re able to be ‘on the ground’ and provide physical assistance or make a monetary donation, every effort helps. There is such an overwhelming need, and we all can make a difference.”
Hope for the Future
“If I had the option, I would fully dedicate myself to doing this kind of charitable work — and I’m sure there are many other people who feel the same way,” Dr. Daud says.
“I’m grateful that thus far in 2023, I’ve been able to run projects in Turkey, Syria and Afghanistan. Taking part in good causes and helping others is our duty and responsibility as human beings. We shouldn’t have to wait for times of extreme tragedy to extend a helping hand to others. The more we strive to work together, the bigger of an impact for good we can make.”
While there remains much work to be done in Turkey and Syria, the global response to this event shows that with the right mindset, many people can come together and make a meaningful difference.
Source: https://gritdaily.com/dr-parwiz-dauds-youth-guidance-foundation-takes-action-after-deadly-turkish-earthquake/